Thursday, March 01, 2007

And a Child Shall Lead Them …

It’s quite an experience to go shopping in a grocery store in China –wandering the aisles and trying to guess what you’re looking at and whether it matches your shopping list. But we brought my “tail” with us (so nicknamed by her mother because wherever Brooke goes, she is right behind) … so when in doubt, we relied on our 5-year old translator. She’s only lived in China for about a year and a half, but was on it whenever we needed her to ask a shop attendant whether they had goat’s milk or whether one bottle was shampoo or conditioner, etc.

It was pretty sweet to have people giggle with/at us as we bent down to find out the answer from our child leader …

Oh, and she wants you to know that she is from California and her mom is Chinese.

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