Sunday, May 18, 2008

the latest

It's probably not fair to call this a "new chapter" of life since we've been in transition since 2006, but we are entering another phase of transition.  The place we've called home since September of last year closed escrow this week - some people work themselves out of jobs, we work ourselves out of homes :} - so we moved out on Wednesday.  Most of our stuff moved into storage and we've accepted a gracious offer from some friends at Church to move into their guest room for the time being.  We're hopeful that the Father will be opening a more permanent door soon as Jason continues to submit his resume to various ministry opportunities and we look forward to an actual new chapter!

And for those who keep an address book, it's time to line through ours once again and replace it with the following for a mailing address:
387 Magnolia Ave. Suite 103 #322
Corona, CA 92879

1 comment:

Jeff Mikels said...

Hey guys. I still know some great homes available for a great price her in Lafayette. Indiana's calling!