Monday, December 31, 2007

It's Time

Time for ... PICTURES. With the New Year upon us and a BUSY season just behind, we're going to rely on the power of photos to share what life has held these past few weeks and months.

In November we got to spend ten days taking care of these fabulous three littles ...
Varney, Emily & Maggie ... too cute, right?

... and somebody turned 30 ...

... and we got lots of opportunities to hang out with the most perfect baby - Sophie ...
... and spend Christmas with family - this was my best Christmas present ...
... and our lil' sis, Cait, returned from Germany in time for Christmas fun with our most fabulous and entertaining niece, Alli Kay - "MAS PRESENTS!" ...
... just yesterday we celebrated our dear Kristen Jones becoming Mrs. Kristen White ... ... and in general just keep lovin' the chance to live life together.



lizhoweth said...

haha, i reminded josh of you guys when he was frustrated that they couldn't find what the problem was.

great pictures!

brooke mardell said...

it's not fun but at the same time you're glad they didn't find something terrible, right!?

when are you coming back down for some so cal time?

Ronnie said...

Miller! You need to shave!!!! Dude, I'm working at APU, crazy I know. I'm the RD of smith hall, the all male freshmen hall, sound familiar? We need to get together and catch up. Oh, and Hi Brooke! :)

Give me a call some time J.
(951) 323-6396

Steve, Jacqui, and Samuel said...

Sounds like you guys are doing great. I always love looking at your pictures. Love you guys and hope to get together soon. Sammy has gotten so big and hopefully lost the "resemblance".

Anonymous said...

Hello, my sweet friend! I was excited to see an update with pictures on your blog! You look radiant! Miss you! Love you, Heather