Thursday, July 12, 2007


Well here in the 7th month of the year we've been surrounded by several sevens. One of our dearest friends, Kristen, got engaged on 7-7-07; so cute, I know. It's fun, too, because I (Brooke) lived with her when I got engaged, and we are now staying with her when she's gotten engaged.

And last weekend we had seven munchkins to love on over at the Spansels. These are the ones we talk about virtually nonstop. Mom had a birthday to celebrate, so we took over for a night. Umm, hello a lot of work. The kids are AMAZING, and have been raised to be delightful. But still, a lot of time and attention to pour out of two into seven. But also a ton of fun. We're definitely going to be the kind of parents that gush about our own kids and tell all their funny little stories and retorts and such.

And finally, in seven short days we'll be spending seven days in dear old Mammoth - a Miller family summer tradition. As crazy as we've felt while bouncing all around So. Cal., we're excited for the week of rest and play.

As I write this, J is in one interview only to head to yet another this afternoon. So we're hoping that we're close to knowing some next steps, but in the meantime life is FULL as we take each day.

1 comment:

T-Dub said...

Hope you guys have a great vacation. Take advantage of the time you get.
J, I hope you get a job that you enjoy and will provide for your family. Just keep searching, God will provide.
We need to get together again sometime. We'll be out of town for the next two weeks, so we can work something out after that. Talk to you guys soon.