Thursday, November 30, 2006

Oh wow

Flew into Kathmandu, Nepal, today. The Himalayas spread out before us in full glory and sharp clarity - something Bea says she's never seen from the plane because the air is usually clouded by pollution. By the time we exited the airport, the setting sun was turning the peaks pink and all I could think was "Oh wow."


Anonymous said...

Wow! brooke in a Sari! you look stunning girl!!

Anonymous said...

So I logged on to your blog for one main reason... I wanted to give you a link to download the USC v. Notre Dame game you asked me to record for you. However, I got hooked into reading about your journeys and now I'm thinking that you must have bigger things on your mind than silly American College football...

Oh well, I guess I'll just delete it from my computer...

brooke mardell said...

Ah Simone, you're too kind! I LOVE the Indian clothes - the colors, the elegance. The one in the photo was a gift from our hostess - one of her festival sarees!

Spansel Family said...

The music for the slide show is my favorite! You guys rule ... and are missed around the CEFC parts

Anonymous said...

hey brooke, its not a sari thats called 'chanya choli' and is traditionally worn during the dance festival....but u definately look great in that

brooke mardell said...

Ah, see, learning something new every day! Thanks, Rhishi. When we get back to Rajkot you'll have to teach me how to pronounce that :).