Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why are we doing this?

We have been asked by many whether this is a vacation or a trip with greater purpose, especially to share the Truth of our Father. It is both.

We don't see the two as exclusive; living in light of the mission our Father has given us is the same no matter where we are!

We would be lying if we said we weren't excited about breaking away from American culture for a bit and exploring this great world, but it would be empty for just that. For a long time now we've wanted to be able to connect with those who have left home and family to spread the Truth, and so this journey developed. Our purpose and activities will be different in each place and with each person, but we have been AMAZED at the itinerary our Father is opening doors for!

When all is said and done, it boils down to this: To take the adventure that the Father brings, and to pour into those who are constantly pouring out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So do you need money?

vacations you pay for and are sometimes paid for you.

Missionary's need the support of Freinds that God has blessed financially.

We can still pray.

-Ryan McGuyre